Not sure about y'all, but we sorta got hit with a blizzard this weekend. We say "sorta" because we're not really sure that what happened was what we envisioned a blizzard to be. Here in Southeastern Virginia we're usually referring to Dairy Queen when we say blizzard. But there were some happy kids {and adults} who have yet to go back to school as of this posting.
The Blizzard of 2017 {as we'll fondly remember it} rolled into town as we were preparing for our 75% off Christmas Sale. That created a sad tease for our customers who heard something like this:
"Starting Saturday morning all of our Christmas goodies will be 75% off!"
Immediately followed by:
"We're closed on Saturday because we seem to be stuck inside a snow globe!"
Thankfully our new fancy schmancy and mobile-friendly website that launched last month allowed everyone to get their 75% off sale fix. Even better, we'd just gotten In-Store Pickup working the week before and that was a hit for our customers and our Shipping Department. Sometimes we just nail it! Sometimes.
You can still shop the Christmas sale here. For the time being, if you use code 75OFF during checkout you'll get 75% off original prices.
While the snow was falling and the website was churning, we dove head first into planning for our trip to AmericasMartATL this week. Twice a year, one week in January and one week in July, the Atlanta Gift Mart is open for buyers to see what's new and order for their stores. It's never open to the public {sorry charlie}. Imagine three huge buildings each with approximately one gazillion floors filled with every showroom you can possibly conjure. Tackling this trip requires a plan. Our plan looked something like this:
Our Creative Director, Amy, is going to take over our Social Media while at AmericasMartATL so make sure you're following our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and lawd knows what else she may get us into while she's there {she's really into Snapchat!}.
She might even ask for your opinion on what they buy. Your answer should be: Everything!
The final thing the Blizzard of 2017 brought us was a little extra time. The Christmas Break was nice but it's a busy time of year unlike a snowstorm where you literally can't leave your house for a little while. It was a forced pause that allowed for more snuggles, more leisurely cups of coffee and a blog post with more words than pictures! ❤️
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Suffolk Location
2948 Bridge Road
Suffolk, VA 23435
Mon - Sat: 10am - 6pm
Sun: 12pm - 4pm
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